New Mexico Pelletized Hops From La Capilla Hop Farm


Wet Whole Hops, Dry Hops, and Pelletized Hops

Why do they Matter?

Here at La Capilla farm we usually sell our hops as wet whole hops or as dry hops. Wet whole hops are picked off the bine and introduced to a beer within 24-48 hours. Dry hops are simply wet hops that have been dried (to approximately 8%-12% dryness) for a few days and packaged into mylar bags that can be stored and used later on.

Most breweries only use pelletized hops to make beer. Pelletized hops are dry hops that are made into pellets with the use of a pelletizer machine. This year we had the honor of having our hops pelletized, making our locally grown hops more accessible to New Mexico breweries.


How were our hops pelletized?

During the winter of 2020, we were fortunate to have CNM students pelletize our Chinook hops from our 2020 hop harvest. As far as we know, our hops were the first successfully pelletized hops in New Mexico. We look forward to future relationships with local breweries as pelletized hops from our farm can now become more accessible thanks to CNM.

What Happened with our Pelletized hops?

CNM students in conjunction with Second Street Brewery - Rufina, in Santa Fe, New Mexico brewed a beer with our pelletized hops. The beer produced at the brewery, named La Capilla Chinook Pale Ale, was released April 16th, 2021 and will be available until it is sold out.

Additionally, we were featured on KOAT Action 7 News, along with Second Street Brewery and CNM. You can watch the video here.